Thursday, March 11, 2010

~* So Sien *~

Sigh ... Really sien. Since the start of the week, I am being irritated by this researcher almost every morning or the entire day. All her ad hoc request needs to be done within the day; q'naire instruction not clear which needs to be re-do, agreed timeline with the client before checking with us, etc. I almost want to lost control and shout at her already :( I know my mood is also no good since I started work as I need to juggle between work and my baby. Still need time to adjust to it :(

To soothen my mood a bit today, I decided to get some English Breakfast tea pack during lunch and have a little English tea in the office using the Alice in Wonderland tea pot set that I claimed yesterday :p :D Wanted to get one of this tea pot set in pink long time ago. At the moment, I think I can settle with this first in the office :p I think I also should get some scones :D

1 comment:

  1. :) we all hv our lil ways to de-stress . hang in there
